Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I am not well organised with my craft stuff, the childrens craft stuff seems to have taken over where I was organised and now my stuff has been shoved in places "out of their way" but I am about to re-claim one of my welsh dressers and I also found the "baby box" in the loft which has a nice lift up compartment in it for stuff and also an empty folder with those inserts in so I can be a bit more organised and finally "file" patterns and stuff away to do again...


Vice Admiral
The other thing I do, particularly with dressmaking fabrics, is that I cut off a very small piece and sellotape it to the back of an envelope. Then I write on the envelope, the size of the fabric. This means that when I look at patterns I can see if I have enough fabric for a particular skirt or blouse, without going through all the carefully folded fabrics.

I could do this for the heavier fabrics as well.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I forgot to get bread at Sainsburys. It was on my list, but I forgot.

Do I go out again? I don't have any bread for my breakfast toast. I could make porridge instead.

Or I could just nip up to the Tesco Metro, but I'm in the middle of making jam, and by the time I've done that, it'll be getting on for time to make dinner...
The other thing I do, particularly with dressmaking fabrics, is that I cut off a very small piece and sellotape it to the back of an envelope. Then I write on the envelope, the size of the fabric. This means that when I look at patterns I can see if I have enough fabric for a particular skirt or blouse, without going through all the carefully folded fabrics.

I could do this for the heavier fabrics as well.
That's horribly organised :tongue:


Vice Admiral
That's horribly organised :tongue:

With the large amount of fabric involved, I have to be organised, or I would never find anything. It only takes two minutes for each piece of fabric, but it saves hours working out the size of fabrics. It also reminds me how much fabric I already have, and that I absolutely, most deffinitely, do not need any more fabric.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I have a feeling @Puddles that someone (in another thread) is not going to take your advice :smile:

(although I personally think it is very sensible advice)

I remember being on the "helpline" and someone phoning and saying what is a good kitten for my 3 year old to play with, I replied "a stuffed one" they were not amused!

Maj is enormous but my two do know what is acceptable and do not get out of hand as they have had boundaries put firmly in place from the minute they could grab. A good solid "No" works wonders from an early age. I am too aware of the dangers of mixing the two incorrectly. :sad:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Yes, but at least you are tidy, Wol :laugh:


I is banned form purchasing any more oil cloth


Über Member
New Forest
I have just "grounded " for the first time . Teenager not amused :cursing: but he lost his Mums camera in the forest .


Über Member
New Forest
My older son was always losing things. On holiday in Egypt he borrowed my trainers and left them (to be stolen) on the beach. He dropped my camera while white water rafting and couldn't recover it. He dropped his phone in the snow in the park opposite us and we spent ages walking round looking for it while I rang his number. His best one was completing his Duke of Edinburgh expedition trek in Wales and on the way home leaving all his worldly goods (including connecting train tickets) on the first train out of the wilderness. :laugh:

I'm afraid it only gets worse.
Thanks Rocky!!! Im getting the jest of this . He has had 3 phones , which were only cheap £10 for letting us know if was lost but they have gone.
He know wants to borrow my Dolan Cross... I don't think so :laugh:
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