Tea? (Part 2)

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@potsy you are about as scary as Bagpuss


Leg End Member

Morning Hils :cuppa: would be great, thanks

Blue sky, in patches here but :rain: later (Classic will be able to confirm this....but in English please not some Cyrillic script I cannot read)

.deciton uoy fi ,reilrae ereh saw I
no seog yad eht sa (netae neeb gnivah snaeb rewef)osla esae lliw dniW .no soeg yad eht sa tuo eid dluohs ti ,niar eht rof sA
!ees tonnac seye eht tahw deaR

?siht htiw gnorw gnihton si erehT !uoy stI
Well, as it is chill-out and relax time, having been for a quick spin (:sun:all the way:smile:) I am about to open a can of San Miguel. Then I'm going to clean my bike cos it is filthy from Sunday's ride, and get it all clean and lovely for this Sunday. Then I am going to do absolutely nowt.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Morning all.

:cuppa: ? Anyone

Thank you very very very very much @Arch It is be-yoo-ti-ful! :wub: Cheered me up and will hold me in warm fuzzys for the day ahead!

Glad you like it! I'll get the instructions typed up and send it all off to you - can you PM me an address? You'll need to be able to cast on, knit and purl, decrease by knitting two together, and cast off. Oh and a little random picking up a stitch from the middle of something, but I'll explain it in the instructions. Mostly, the trickier bits are in the mittens.

Well, my feet didn't drown today, so that was an improvement. And it's fish fingers for tea!

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Just had a nice couple of hours drinking tea and eating ............................. wait for it .................................. mince pies. :eek:

I popped in to see some friends i don't get to see much due to our working hours and i was served my peppermint tea with my first mince pie, i was astounded and nearly, just nearly said no, but i didn't. It was lovely.

I take it @potsy is lying in a darkened and locked room after going outside and all that dressing up.

Have we heard from TVC or Lu or are they still in the bath ?:giggle:

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