I never knew mobile telephonic devices could get so complicated.
Me either, Pay You Go for me, I top up about £10 a year. When my ancient phone finally gave up the ghost after 7 years I had to get a new one......
"Hello Tesco Supermarket, what is the cheapest non-contract mobile what does telephone calls and texts and nothing else thank you ever so much"
"oh that would be £9.99"
"can I use these voucher things?"
"Yes you can, that will be 4.99 then madam...."
The other thing is that he doesn't want to go everything through Google either.
Classic is right. Mrs R was hugely overcharged for data roaming when we were touring in Europe this summer. She phoned Vodafone to cancel her contract and they said if she stayed they would only charge her £4 instead of the. £65 that they had billed.
13 million options on an automated switchboard 'll wear your fingers out.NT and I amused ourselves imagining a sketch in which a Neanderthal is trying to buy a new axe, in a shop, and is being offered as many bewildering options as the average phone shop.
I'll pass on the advice. The other thing is that he doesn't want to go everything through Google either.
He's off home now. Friday seems a long way off.
not with my handwriting
@Rockymountain, isn't feeling well. Man Flu?Classic is right. Mrs R was hugely overcharged for data roaming when we were touring in Europe this summer. She phoned Vodafone to cancel her contract and they said if she stayed they would only charge her £4 instead of the. £65 that they had billed.