Tea? (Part 2)

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Über Member
New Forest
Tea and Soreen...Livin la vide Loca :cuppa::becool:


Legendary Member
Can I have a cuppa please? Put a shot of whiskey in it. Ta. It's been a *** of a day and I've more than had enough. Junk food, whilst curled up on the sofa this evening for sure.

Oh, if anyone's got a spare few hours I've got some laundry to load in the washer and two bikes that need fettling. That'll save me doing them tomorrow :thumbsup::smile:

Hi Wanda, Long time no see.... Yes I can confirm that Rocky is the man for your laundry , and I've heard he's not bad with the hoovering as well!


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
No Wol is still having the wash and head massage

I've bypassed the :cuppa: as we are short of milk, and have opened a bottle of parsnip wine instead.
It's quite VERY** strong

** so strong I seem to be imagining tea cozies with eyes on stalks
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