Tea? (Part 2)

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She will be okay. If she runs quickly and Potsy cycles, she will still escape.
I was thinking more of the Images she trawls tinternet for,
Stop stop stop you must be nice and stroke each other kindly in here, else I cannot cope, faceache peoples are all having some kind of JK hissy fit I need nice and if I don't get nice I will throw myself on the floor and tantrum like a 2 year old....

and remove cake & biscuits!

Can we pass on the 'stroking nicely' - people might get the wrong idea. Apart from that I will do whatever I'm told for the promise of cake :hyper:
(amended slightly due to mobile cock-up)
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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Hills, what were you searching for to find that? :giggle:

Well Potsy had a cat turning its back so i looked for a pig and got that one :shy:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?


Legendary Member
Anyway to change the subject completely, as 2 lightbulbs have blown in the hallway i am now thinking it needs redecorating so after my ride tomorrow it's B&Q for me. The bulbs blowing drew my attention to the need to decorate.

DIY tip.......Get someone else to do it, unless you enjoy decorating then save it for a rainy day :thumbsup:
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