Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Get kettle on! What else.

Spot on, they have to agree at some point otherwise there would be violence and i would be stuck in the middle :B)

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Which junction was it? Not what you need! Having seen the way some loonies drive during rush hour it doesn't surprise me though, i'm sad to say.
By Downes Garage. The car was coming out of town on Hereford Road and turning right to go up Roman Road but went the wrong side of the junction.:wacko:

We've got to redo the filming anyhow - there were some technical issues once everything was downloaded and we can't use the sound off my run. As if nearly having a crash wasn't enough of a problem.:dry: Hey ho.:rolleyes:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
By Downes Garage. The car was coming out of town on Hereford Road and turning right to go up Roman Road but went the wrong side of the junction.:wacko:

We've got to redo the filming anyhow - there were some technical issues once everything was downloaded and we can't use the sound off my run. As if nearly having a crash wasn't enough of a problem.:dry: Hey ho.:rolleyes:

How are you feeling now Phill ?

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I am feeling unhappy. I was having a root canal filling:evil:, but the dentist had to stop as there was still some inflammation and it was stopping the anaesthetic from working :eek::stop: So off I went with a temporary filling, which fell out yesterday. But that's OK, I've got some temporary tooth cement in a first-aid kit. Mixy mixy spludgey prod, and into the cavity it goes. And that's when I discover it contains oil of cloves and a numbing agent.
My tongue and half of my mouth is a bit numb, and the whole bloody world tastes of cloves.
Today I have had a banana and clove yoghurt, a bacon and clove roll, a few custard creams with added clove, smoked salmon and clove pate with clove and Melba toast, clove salad, and carrot and coriander and clove soup,
And some Tea. With cloves, which completely messes up Earl Grey.
Puts my problem today in perspective.xx( Hope you feel better soon.:thumbsup:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
In the pictures are you the lady with the gorgeous wavy curls in her hair or with the piercing?

I've got the wavy hair. Most of the time, I pull off a perfect 'dragged through a hedge backwards' look.

There's a house on our Wednesday round where they smoke clove cigarettes and recycle the boxes, it's the nicest smelling box of the week (which isn't saying much). They also get through 6-8 bottles of Vodka's worth of Vodka and Coke a week, but they are very good at crushing the coke bottles nicely.[/user]

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Hope we get to see the finished product first as a world premier. I feel we have been there with you, throughout :hugs:
If I ask Doug nicely he might do an edit using what we've got. The proper film will have to wait as it's got to be used as a pitch first.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
"Dragged Through a Hedge Backwards" with "please ignore the dubious stains" is my look @Arch I only realised after the school run & shops that I had snot courtesy of User76 all over my top and down one leg of my jeans when I got home :shy:

I like the smell of cloves strangely but hate the taste... Mr P & the small people like clove & apple pie.. I like the aroma while it cooks but to eat it - no no no,


Über Member
New Forest
"Dragged Through a Hedge Backwards" with "please ignore the dubious stains" is my look @Arch I only realised after the school run & shops that I had snot courtesy of User76 all over my top and down one leg of my jeans when I got home :shy:

I like the smell of cloves strangely but hate the taste... Mr P & the small people like clove & apple pie.. I like the aroma while it cooks but to eat it - no no no,
Blame the snails
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