Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Slow worms eat slugs. All gardeners should :wub: them. Sadly they're on the endangered species list in the UK :sad:

They are indeed we had the nice ranger from the local wildlife reserve (User76 went to Nature Tots at the reserve) come and peer at ours as we had eleventy hundred million in the garden in April and they removed quite a lot to put on the reserve, the last 40 foot of our garden had been left to grow rampant and we needed to clear it and no one had cut the hedges back in forever (they are still about 4 foot wide and we took 6-8 feet of hedge off at the sides) we have flutterby gardens and areas also where the slow worms like (& I avoid) and also places for hedgepigs I don't mind sharing some of the garden but not 40 foot of it!


Legendary Member
:cuppa: and Welsh cakes! They look like failed scones but actually .....well there's none left :mrpig:.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We did something Nearly Official this morning, and went to the Registry Office to ask about how to declare intention to marry. It's complicated very slightly by living in different districts, so we wanted to find out exactly what we had to do - the more we read the website, the more confused we (well, I at least) got.

Anyway, nice lady answered our questions, we just have to choose an available date and time and book it, then I pay up at my end and show my proof of identity, and NT pays up at his end and proves his identity and we're booked!

Then we had coffee, and I bought some socks, and we mooched about the food festival, and now we're having a :cuppa: before nipping out to Sainsburys for some groceries and to see if we can scrump some pears from the tree in the car park.

We've already collected some nice little red crab apples from a tree I spotted in the Deans Park this morning....


Legendary Member
We did something Nearly Official this morning, and went to the Registry Office to ask about how to declare intention to marry. It's complicated very slightly by living in different districts, so we wanted to find out exactly what we had to do - the more we read the website, the more confused we (well, I at least) got.

Anyway, nice lady answered our questions, we just have to choose an available date and time and book it, then I pay up at my end and show my proof of identity, and NT pays up at his end and proves his identity and we're booked!

Lovely to read some good news. :wahhey:

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
By the way, I'm still not wearing my beret and suspenders :whistle:

I think you're lying


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
We did something Nearly Official this morning, and went to the Registry Office to ask about how to declare intention to marry. It's complicated very slightly by living in different districts, so we wanted to find out exactly what we had to do - the more we read the website, the more confused we (well, I at least) got.

Anyway, nice lady answered our questions, we just have to choose an available date and time and book it, then I pay up at my end and show my proof of identity, and NT pays up at his end and proves his identity and we're booked!

Then we had coffee, and I bought some socks, and we mooched about the food festival, and now we're having a :cuppa: before nipping out to Sainsburys for some groceries and to see if we can scrump some pears from the tree in the car park.

We've already collected some nice little red crab apples from a tree I spotted in the Deans Park this morning....

Yes can get a bit :eek: with the registry office thing, when I married Mr P we decided we wanted short and simple it was a hilarious day just a few close friends, when the registrar said to me on the day is someone going to "walk you down the aisle" as it were there was a long debate of you oh no you can't do it you are holding the camera etc etc. so my best friend did it.

Then when they have a chat with you before the Registrar said are you sure you want he short version I said yes, he said oh your husband to be said he would love the long version, eh? I thought but said oh okay then, the registrar had also said the same to Mr P. Afterwards I said you must be getting soppy in your old age with the long version request and he said that man told me you wanted it.... obviously it was the registrar that preferred the long version! We had not chosen the long version as I knew I would end up laughing (nerves) so what happened I wet my pants laughing through it (there is video that looks really bad on me taking my vows and laughing)

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Even I know that's :rofl:

Saw an adder on Saturday when I was leading the Breeze ride. Stopped everyone and watched it cross the road in front of me and vanish into the undergrowth. Turned round to say why we'd stopped and caused utter panic. I was the calmest there which is quite amazing considering my fear of them. But I still have a cold fear after watching an actress pretend to get bitten by a snake that had been put in a car so I suspect my phobia is about aggressive snakes and not ones calmly going about their business. :unsure:
:eek: no likey Jo, no likey


West Somerset
I've been busy too, trying to stay awake :tired:

Actually I have been 'fixing' the tumble dryer, was taking an age to dry the clothes, after investigation ie reading the destructions, it turns out that you are supposed to clean out the condenser every month, well after 3 years it's finally had a clean now :blush:

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