Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
- Location
- Hamble, Southampton
Slow worms eat slugs. All gardeners should them. Sadly they're on the endangered species list in the UK
They are indeed we had the nice ranger from the local wildlife reserve (User76 went to Nature Tots at the reserve) come and peer at ours as we had eleventy hundred million in the garden in April and they removed quite a lot to put on the reserve, the last 40 foot of our garden had been left to grow rampant and we needed to clear it and no one had cut the hedges back in forever (they are still about 4 foot wide and we took 6-8 feet of hedge off at the sides) we have flutterby gardens and areas also where the slow worms like (& I avoid) and also places for hedgepigs I don't mind sharing some of the garden but not 40 foot of it!