Tea? (Part 2)

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somewhere in america

member of the unknown
I know that feeling....a while ago I was working at London Bridge and had the same problem. It's good after a bad day at the office, though ^_^
Did the bridge fall down while you were there?


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
:hello: all, oh I did not want to get out of bed this morning but the rousing sounds coming from the other bedrooms of small people "playing" could not be ignored, neither could it be ignored when a beaker was poked nearly in my eye with the request more milk please.

I shall be a bad Mummy and send Squidge with 2 doors up to school meaning I have no need to get dressed and be properly awake yet, I am also hoping it will avoid the awful confrontation with User76 when she does not yet understand Squidge goes to school 5 days a week and her only 2 1/2 :whistle:
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