Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Stuff needs doing in this house today, I am un-organised in the dinner department and User76 is now in full on over-excited mode and is not quite understanding "school" is this afternoon (I leave her there today) as Squidge has just gone to school and so why isn't she. She has brought me her pre-school uniform several times, then gave up with that and is now bringing me my shoes and when I say no later this afternoon she asks 2 minutes?
Was I wrong about the rain this morning ?
as in it was going to rain, or it wasn't going to rain? :scratch:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Well I sold my truck tonight but one of my dogs Nina got out and wouldn't let me catch her. She was hit by a car and is no longer with us.
I found her in the middle of a busy highway 1 1/2 years ago so really I suppose she was on borrowed time. She died happy and heathy and her death was quick and she wasn't alone.
:hugs:I still miss my dog daily and he died in 2008.


Re member eR
The smell of the hall after the floor had been varnished during the holidays


My Armchair
Only seen a little bit of day 1, not really into cycle racing but will watch the occasional bit.

The rain/drizzle/mizzle has finally cleared, might get to commute without having to take my waterproofs :dance:


Leg End Member
as in it was going to rain, or it wasn't going to rain? :scratch:
What is your forecast for my last day off tomorrow , will I get a ride in ?
Well I'd assumed you were going out in the morning, rather than the afternoon.
Wednsday, overcast with possibility of some sunny spells.
Perhaps it's the weather making it look dull. A bit of Sun may help.
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