Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair
Shut it Pat :tongue:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Could you ring, and then all go out before she arrives?:whistle: (And yes, I know the littles will be asleep, put them in a big rucksack...)

Mum's eh?

(Bless her, I love her, I do, but she talks more than me, and that's saying something. I'm fortunate that NT loves her too, sometimes when we visit they talk away and I can't get a word in edgeways..)

:laugh: She arrived as I suspected, to "see how User76 got on" she does make me laugh she claims to visit almost every night to stop me being lonely....

There are down sides to living so close, I don't mind her visiting I just wish it was slightly less often in the evening as I am quite happy with my own company and am usually in the middle of watching something with my feet up quite looking forward to some peace and quiet with no small people on my own!


Anyway peeps. Dave Gorman on the box 10pm tonight on Dave. Very funny, very clever man, seen him live a few times and thoroughly recommend.

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