Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset
I bought them off someone on here last year and apart from being dirty they didn't look used they still had the rubber moulding bits on them, I fitted them to my hybrid and did a couple of short rides around 20 miles each.

Apart from being a bit mucky and one stud needs putting back in they are hardly used and I got a bag of studs for them as well.
I need to double check the size for the hybrid - head's pounding again so my brain's not working but assuming they're ice not snow, how much do you want for them?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

Thank you!


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
26 minutes, not bad.

Now, more :cuppa: and into bed with the laptop to keep warm, and watch telly.

I am waivering on the Mother front, I should ring them and tell them how User76 got on today on her pre-school visit, I might get away wit a phone call imparting information and that would be that, but I could also get asked if Mr P is home (he is on nights) and then have the oh don't tell me I shall be over soon - she visited last night

Or I could not phone and hear a knock on the door in about 15 minutes being Mum visiting... so I am in a quandry of do I phone if she had no intention of coming over and pushing the balance towards coming over or do I not phone and take a chance :wacko:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I am waivering on the Mother front, I should ring them and tell them how User76 got on today on her pre-school visit, I might get away wit a phone call imparting information and that would be that, but I could also get asked if Mr P is home (he is on nights) and then have the oh don't tell me I shall be over soon - she visited last night

Or I could not phone and hear a knock on the door in about 15 minutes being Mum visiting... so I am in a quandry of do I phone if she had no intention of coming over and pushing the balance towards coming over or do I not phone and take a chance :wacko:

Could you ring, and then all go out before she arrives?:whistle: (And yes, I know the littles will be asleep, put them in a big rucksack...)

Mum's eh?

(Bless her, I love her, I do, but she talks more than me, and that's saying something. I'm fortunate that NT loves her too, sometimes when we visit they talk away and I can't get a word in edgeways..)


Vice Admiral

If you know someone who has been to Kilimanjaro, you would have been able to answer this question. With assistance from @ColinJ, Rocky found the civil twilight details for Kenya.

There are some well-travelled people on this thread, so may I ask a question about Kenya? How long does it take between it starting to get dark, at dusk, and being really dark? I spent six weeks in Mauritius some time ago, and remember it being a very short interval between being sunny and warm on the beach, and then dark.

Kenya is on the Equator, whereas Mauritius is 23 degrees south of the Equator. So if sunset is at 6.30pm, when does it get dark?


Vice Admiral
It's Miss GM's birthday tomorrow and she's starting her celebrating tonight, so when she comes home ( if not too drunk ) I'll ask her :thumbsup:

No rush for the answer,^_^ the person in question is not going until Friday. I think we Rocky worked out that it is twenty minutes between being sunny and then dark. Time enough for Hill Wimp to drink a large cocktail.


Leg End Member
Did you or he look that up?

Madagascar is approximately the same latitude :scratch:or is it longitude, as Mauritius. The very north point of Madagascar is fairly close to Kenya.

I was trying to explain to someone going to Kenya next week, just how quickly it gets dark, compared to the longish sunsets we get here. They did not seem to believe me. :rolleyes:
Check on here, alternate site & it'll let you do it for your street.
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