Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
My afternoon task as a break from sorting the spare room out.
How depressing is this ironing pile ?



I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Mmmm it could be dodgy but it's a long gap until April the first one next year.

It is, I have a turbo trainer but I hate it as it is just boring had thought about a VR turbo trainer.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Either you are very tidy, or you are taking very select pics of your house :tongue:

Now, what is this Ironing thingy you are talking about..? :scratch:
I am a very tidy person and usually very organised but cycling and all things related appears to have the knack of stopping me doing chores or at least putting them off.

B4C ( before cycling) the ironing wouldbe done as soon as the washing dried.


West Somerset
It's very wet out there. It was even wetter up on top of the Quantocks. I think my brain must have been addled by all the pain killers as I decided to head up there in the pouring rain. The hills up were fun (brain definitely addled) though the descent was less so - the road had turned into a river by that point with mud, leaves, gravel and other debris scattered all over the place and I wasn't entirely convinced I'd be able to slow down enough for the hairpin bends so had to keep my speed below 30. :cry:

Chain now mickled :angel: and sopping clothes hung up to dry. Still warm out there - shorts, windproof jacket and summer gloves did me nicely, though I was glad I went for the SPD shoes rather than sandals, even if I did have to put up with saturated socks.


Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
It is, I have a turbo trainer but I hate it as it is just boring had thought about a VR turbo trainer.
I'm thinking one of those may be a Xmas present to myself,unless I buy another bike :wacko:
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