Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
You coming too HW? Get some sun therapy.
Can you fit her in your suitcase?

Roll on Jan 14th - off to SE Asia cycling :dance:
And then California (which might not be so :sun:, but hey, who cares!)
Stormy weather ahead.


Leg End Member
No. Travelling light and no suitcase in sight. Just a couple of changes of clothing in panniers. She'll have to bring herself, I'm not carrying anything more than I have to!
Two holes in the bottom of the suitcase & she could push herself along on the floor, from inside.
First "walk-on" suitcase.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I'm back from my ride....did 36 miles, slowly, on my touring bike. i've also been shopping in Waitrose - the fridge is now fully stocked.

I think it's time for :cuppa:

I was getting worried as you said you were going out yonks ago.

I've beaten up some hills,cleaned my chain,had lunch and ordered my new laptop screen ( courtesy of Phil :thanks:)
in the time it's taken you to do that.
Perfect, you will not want to come back.
I know. I struggled to leave Thailand last year as it was. Can't wait to go back. And to all the other bits as well. It's just the most fandabulous part of the world.... :hyper:
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