Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
The National Space Centre is a proper museum, I won't stand for it veing ridiculed :headshake: and yes, I do know someone who works there. He designs and builds satellites, in fact he is the smartest engineer I know after NT.

I suppose there's not much call for satellite designers to be able to build electric tractors...

I want to visit the Stockport Hat Museum...

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
NT's satnav, when given TVCs postcode, as garnered from Googlemaps for his address, insists on trying to take us to a little road up the street from TVCs house...

Fortunately, we don't really need the satnav, it's just a backup, but it's very annoying to be given the wrong option every time!


My Armchair
NT's satnav, when given TVCs postcode, as garnered from Googlemaps for his address, insists on trying to take us to a little road up the street from TVCs house...

Fortunately, we don't really need the satnav, it's just a backup, but it's very annoying to be given the wrong option every time!
It's probably trying to save you from visiting them :whistle:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Looks a bit grim for the ToB
Oh dear, where is that ????? Up North is it ????:whistle:

Meanwhile down in our fair Montropolous ( nicked from @deptfordmarmoset ) London, the World Series Triathlon is nice and dry :angel:
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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
We are sitting inside and :cold:. I'd love to go and get some cakes but I fear the adverse weather conditions might defeat me.

No emergency supplies bought with you? What would have happened if it had snowed :eek:


NT's satnav, when given TVCs postcode, as garnered from Googlemaps for his address, insists on trying to take us to a little road up the street from TVCs house...

Fortunately, we don't really need the satnav, it's just a backup, but it's very annoying to be given the wrong option every time!
Yep, there is a little cul de sac 50 yards up the road that shares the same post code, whoever did the mapping stuck the pin in there rather than where the bulk of the houses are.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Hils, I'm a bit worried about your avatar. Is this a side to your character hereto hidden from us :laugh:

I am having a bit of an ID problem today.

Got bored of the piglet,the mouse was too cutsie and the marmoset was just well ....no

Thought i would go from cutsie to scary. Was going to put up the Wicked witch of the west from the Wizard of Oz but she still scares me 40 odd years later:eek:

I need something mid range, still researching.:biggrin:


I am having a bit of an ID problem today.

Got bored of the piglet,the mouse was too cutsie and the marmoset was just well ....no

Thought i would go from cutsie to scary. Was going to put up the Wicked witch of the west from the Wizard of Oz but she still scares me 40 odd years later:eek:

I need something mid range, still researching.:biggrin:
Cute but slightly scary..... must resist...... must resist
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