Tea? (Part 2)

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Not long now until our special delivery :hyper:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.

Back with a very tired dog as she decided to run all the way to the village instead of trotting sedately behind the bike as per usual. Got lots of strange looks in the village for still being in shorts and t-shirt - I thought the fact I was wearing trainers and not sandals was concession enough. :scratch:

If it's that warm Jo make the most of it. Autumn is arriving elsewhere in the country with a fanfare and orchestra of wind and rain. I have had the wind this morning and just beaten the clouds back by the looks of things. I think we are in for a deluge any moment.


Everything is prepared, we have borrowed Fabien for the afternon to buttle, even the cat has been brushed.
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