Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset

One of the women in my cycle group wanted beans on toast for lunch yesterday but the place we stopped at said no as they were no longer serving breakfast! :unsure: A quick straw poll round the table showed that we all believed beans on toast to be more suited to lunch than breakfast.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
A cafe that can't do beans on toast on demand at any time of day isn't a very good cafe...

(assuming they do beans at some time or other, I wouldn't expect a coffee shop to be able to do me beans on toast at the drop of a hat...)

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
You will learn to like them and become one with the hills .............. or alternatively just grovel up them like I did yesterday ^_^

I think there will be a lot of grovelling this morning :dry:
Same here (except I'm already up) :angel:

Had to turn the lamp on it's so dark outside :unsure: :rain:

:eek: None of you Northerners are really selling the North to me. Cold dark and wet ????


Semer Water looks nice, shame that pillock had to photobomb it and spoil the view.


Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.

One of the women in my cycle group wanted beans on toast for lunch yesterday but the place we stopped at said no as they were no longer serving breakfast! :unsure: A quick straw poll round the table showed that we all believed beans on toast to be more suited to lunch than breakfast.

Wierd cafe Jo, usually that's an all day staple on the menu.

Beans on toast is one of those things that's good at any time of the day or night.
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