Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I wasn't really sure if crumpets were real, first time I've seen someone mention them. I did some reading via internet on them, didn't realize they were similar to but not the same as English muffins, we have those here commercially (but not crumpets) I have never like English muffins as they are dry, chewy and tasteless. When I have a better (cooking) setup I'm going to try making crumpets. I think I would like them with maple syrup (and of course the requisite butter). Some recipes mentioned marmite...... what is that?

In some parts of the UK, crumpets are called Pikelets. In other places, Pikelets are a slightly different thing, flatter than crumpets, but still holey.

Either are best served hot and buttered, and then stacked in a plate on on top of the other, as the butter melts and soaks through, so as you go down the pile they get butterier and butterier...:hungry:

I like them with honey, or a cheese on top and grilled to make it melt....


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Yes we've had 70mph wind and rain all day apparently... not a cloud in the sky and flat calm...


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
The conquering hero has returned.

Do tell all Phil:bravo:

OK I decided to ride to the Sportive & it was :cold: then I registered then cycled over to a friends house who lives on Otley Chevin and had a cup of coffee then at 9:30 ish set off on the Sportive.

It was very very hilly more than I had thought I did it in 5:45:32 moving time and there was about 6000 ft of climbing, the route was just one massive hill after another, at one point I did think of bailing when I was faced with the massive hill at Norwood Edge and my rib was very painful but I took some pain killers and had a rest then continued. The day brightened up and I ended up in my SS Jersey and I managed a top speed of 39.5mph though coming down Otley Chevin there was road works so I ended up with the brakes full on most of the time.

Then I cycled home and managed a total of 101 miles for the day.

I must say I am liking actually getting back while there is still food left at the end :mrpig:



As an adult I have never tried marmite, apparently when I was wee marmite would come up quicker than it went down so I am not chancing it :headshake:

I never had a bounty bar for years after an occasion when I was six, when a bounty bar came out of my bottom end not long after I'd just eaten it. I was on the bus at the time!

Pleased to say, I've rediscovered bounty bars and it turns out the squit effect was a one off.


West Somerset
I never had a bounty bar for years after an occasion when I was six, when a bounty bar came out of my bottom end not long after I'd just eaten it. I was on the bus at the time!

Pleased to say, I've rediscovered bounty bars and it turns out the squit effect was a one off.
:giggle: but xx(
I've never liked them and I suspect I'm no longer the lone voice of reason on this thread

Well done Phil :wahhey::bravo::cheers:


Leg End Member
I don't believe it.

It's been damp and horrid all day and now it's blue sky and sunshine here :angry:
You never asked what the evening was going to be like!!


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
@Hill Wimp see if this makes your legs hurt:



Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I never had a bounty bar for years after an occasion when I was six, when a bounty bar came out of my bottom end not long after I'd just eaten it. I was on the bus at the time!

Pleased to say, I've rediscovered bounty bars and it turns out the squit effect was a one off.

:eek: All my brain did was think "What as in whole?"
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