Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
I was not intending to, but ended up watching "Bates Motel" last night. :ph34r: I think I will be watching that again.


Vice Admiral
It included some strong violence, but bearing in mind it is a prequel to Psycho, that is probably to be expected. It is not suitable viewing for young children, I hasten to add. I heard, rather than saw the screaming violent part, because I was preparing the late night sarnies in the kitchen.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
It included some strong violence, but bearing in mind it is a prequel to Pyscho, that is probably to be expected. It is not suitable viewing for young children, I hasten to add.

I have lots of stuff like that on the V+ boxy thing, that I attempt to watch then a small person wakes up and tahts that


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
No, I would say it is not for little ones. Both your children are little, aren't they. It might even be unsuitable for under-sixteens, in my opinion.
Oh yes they are tiddlers, so I am quite careful about their TV viewing, mostly Noddy & the like! If User76 is poorly or has unsettled nights it makes quite a back log in my series viewing!
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