Tea? (Part 2)

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I know where my towel is
:eek: Bugger school project this 1/2 term is on Tudors, fair enough I thinks, he has to research traditional Tudor outfits and then make a presentation of it - then I read on, then he has to be in a home made replica outfit for said presentation

bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger

I would be no help with such a project, as I would connect the Tudors to the sitcom Blackadder II. :giggle:



My Armchair
I dont have a winter jersey
You don't need one :whistle:

Is it safe to come out yet @Puddles? :giggle:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
You don't need one :whistle:

Is it safe to come out yet @Puddles? :giggle:

No, but I escaped out very quick and the escaped in by hiding in the crowd.

Got bike out of bike shed, came out back gate which is the side of the house, closed gate and cycled really quickly down the drive and whizzed past them before they spotted me, on the way back there are throngs of parents meandering up the road with various sizes of small people & buggies I just sort of hung behind them and split off from the herd up the drive quickly. They are still there, some of them are now taking their clothes off I hope they do not think that will encourage any more flashing on my part!


West Somerset
He could dress up as a peasant / labourer ... Much less faff and he'll get to grub about with dirt on his face.

Edit: that was for @Puddles and nothing to do with the birthday girl.
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