Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Morning, managed to walk the dog (viral labyrinthitis) without falling over wanted to try bike ride but Mrs Keef has said NO.
:stop: Not without your "L" plates!


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Grey but warm here. Will almost certainly be :rain: when I head into town later.

It rained a bit on my ride and was quite misty on the top of the moors but I can take it :training:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I am in hibernation next door has scaffolding up, all the scaffolders saw me naked this morning that is enough "out" for me. :blink:

The yoghurt maker arrived and I am very busy ignoring it making yoghurt, User76 is in one of her favourite places, the kitchen sink filled with water, it is a washing, ironing, cleaning day with lots of :cuppa:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
:eek: Bugger school project this 1/2 term is on Tudors, fair enough I thinks, he has to research traditional Tudor outfits and then make a presentation of it - then I read on, then he has to be in a home made replica outfit for said presentation

bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger bugger

Mr P who is handy with the sewing machine will be less than amused by this... Squidge will be less than amused that as per, this outfit will probably involve him wearing tights................ again :sad:

I can also see a visit to grange nurseries to buy peacock feathers that their peacock sheds on the cards

I need :cuppa:
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