Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
That is where my mind went I cannot get much beyond thinking ruffles and floppy hat with feathers in

Well, thinking quickly, starting from the feet, and assuming you can find stuff in charity shops and have time...

Plain shoes. Knee socks. Pair of plain loose trousers (Tracksuit perhaps?) cut off at knee and gathered in at the hem (a simple running stitch would do it). Loose white shirt with baggy sleeves. Waistcoat, preferably cut from something that looks like tapestry (a cushion cover, or small curtain?) Ruff - net curtain perhaps, a long strip gathered along one long edge with long running stitches and fixed round neck, fastened with safety pins (with perhaps a cardboard donut shape underneath to support it). Hat - big circle of velvet, gather round the circumference and draw up enough to fit the head, sew a feather on.

Can you tell, I like fancy dress?

My sister once had to go to school in 'Medieval' dress, my Mum made her a very shapeless dress out of some rather itchy hessian. I think even at 6 years old, my sister resented it a bit....


Über Member
New Forest
I bought a fluorescent pink pacajac today to stick in the back pocket of my jersey whilst out on the bike.

At least @Saluki won't lose me in the pedalling hoards in the New Forest Cycletta in a few weeks however it may just make me a bit of a target for @Mattonsea , the New Forest local, and his pitchfork:ph34r: .

Lets hope there are lots of women in pink jackets there.:unsure:
Woahh, im not one of the 12 toe inbreed hill billies from the woods. :cursing:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Its the amount of notice that schools give about things such as this, that it doesn't go down too well.
To be fair we do have until October 21st October, we have quite a full material box and various stuffs, cos I do the "Scrapstore" membership thing, so often pick up odds and ends that I think might be good for something one day and because they are always asking for you to make costumes for one project or another

Last time he had to dress up he was the 7 of Hearts from Alice In wonderland and a super hero all in one week!


and they do have "Stock" Costumes for the yule type period so you don't have to make the obligatory shepherd/angel/donkey/sheep thing


My Armchair
Woahh, im not one of the 12 toe inbreed hill billies from the woods. :cursing:
I think HW is getting you and @coffeejo mixed up :whistle:
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