Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!


West Somerset


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
It is nice and :sun: and warm here now but I need tea, after having my shoe pecked by an over enthusiastic swan (that will teach me to dangle my legs off the Quay when the tide is up!)

Mr P walked Maj down to join us at the river and then declared it warm enough to swim! :cold:


And yes that is the stupid dog attempting to "shake" whilst still in the water

User76 is not too amused not only did she have a male shoe fitter in Clarks which with her current anti-male phase she refused to look at, she had to have blue boot type shoes because they were the only ones that fitted her (and we are not telling her they are actually boys shoes) instead of flowery pink ones. So yes tea please and keep it coming ^_^


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Damn - I just missed the 'Up The Buttress' race in Hebden Bridge again! Last year, I was very ill in bed, but this year I forgot all about it. I just caught sight of some superfit-looking guy attacking it in the distance and then the event was finished.

I had intended to take some photos and videos. Better luck in 2014, eh? (Who knows, I might even be well enough to have a go myself!)


Legendary Member
Damn - I just missed the 'Up The Buttress' race in Hebden Bridge again! Last year, I was very ill in bed, but this year I forgot all about it. I just caught sight of some superfit-looking guy attacking it in the distance and then the event was finished.

I had intended to take some photos and videos. Better luck in 2014, eh? (Who knows, I might even be well enough to have a go myself!)

It's on my list of 'to do's' before I shuffle off this mortal coil . :thumbsup:


It is nice and :sun: and warm here now but I need tea, after having my shoe pecked by an over enthusiastic swan (that will teach me to dangle my legs off the Quay when the tide is up!)
View attachment 28928

Mr P walked Maj down to join us at the river and then declared it warm enough to swim! :cold:

View attachment 28929

And yes that is the stupid dog attempting to "shake" whilst still in the water

User76 is not too amused not only did she have a male shoe fitter in Clarks which with her current anti-male phase she refused to look at, she had to have blue boot type shoes because they were the only ones that fitted her (and we are not telling her they are actually boys shoes) instead of flowery pink ones. So yes tea please and keep it coming ^_^
Awww, your dog looks as stupid as mine.


My Armchair
It's on my list of 'to do's' before I shuffle off this mortal coil . :thumbsup:
It would probably finish me off, I'll enjoy hearing of your attempt :thumbsup:

Sunny day in September and all the 'winter clothing' threads have started, I'm hoping the Rocky wiggo diet will keep me nice and warm instead of all these winter layers :hungry: :mrpig:
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