Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

Talking of which, I have occasionally revisited my Hootenanny threads, and they still make me laugh.
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Monsoon Valley Shiraz 2011

A light red drink, quite high in tannins, with lemon grass and raspberry notes. A wine for robust pasta or a mild fresh curry. Also reasonable when you are knackered and want to drink youself to bed.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Monsoon Valley Shiraz 2011

A light red drink, quite high in tannins, with lemon grass and raspberry notes. A wine for robust pasta or a mild fresh curry. Also reasonable when you are knackered and want to drink youself to bed.

Perhaps we should start a wine thread?

Actually no scrap that because it will undoubtedly encourage some undesirables in.

God bless:cuppa:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
No samosas, most of those attending were over 70, so soft food only and certainly no spices. Three trifles were demolished in four minutes flat, it was an OAP feeding frenzy.

Didn't you bring any back for us :eek:


Leg End Member
Yeah but i posted early not imagining the carnage that's going on there now, you have waded in right in the middle. I keep popping back to look , it's like a playground fight, quite entertaining but then you have to remind yourself that these are all grown adults!! :headshake:
I read it from the start, always a good idea, and commented on something that had been said. Having seen where its headed I don' think I'll be posting there again though.
That bit I'm not 100% certain about.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Yeah but i posted early not imagining the carnage that's going on there now, you have waded in right in the middle. I keep popping back to look , it's like a playground fight, quite entertaining but then you have to remind yourself that these are all grown adults :headshake:

Stay out of the CAD forums they are full of knobs.
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