Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We're plastered! Well, the room is.:dance:

All except two curved 'columns' which NT is going to tackle with his mate next week. The bedroom and bathroom are done, and we can't do anymore except tidy up until it's good and dry.

Dinner shortly, then we'll open a bottle of red and get plastered ourselves!:cheers:

Once it's dry, NT does the woodwork, and we apply undercoat, and start to think about Choosing Decor.:girl:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?

The CAD lot are in the cafe turning what was a very good post by @PeteXXX into another playground squabble.

Put the kettle on someone and man the doors of Tea :ninja:

A very tired User76 fell asleep in her dinner, nothing special tonight pizza and fresh loaf with butter then pineapple up-side-down cake, she is now snoring in bed, I think we might do duck feeding tomorrow, take Big Bertha on a different route. I need coffee not tea to stop me joining her



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
:cuppa: arhh they never seem to wear themselves out.

Yeah, I think I'll back out of that one now.

We've got wine! :cheers:


Has anyone noticed how tou can't swear anymore on cyclyechat? Great fun counting the stars and working out what the word is.
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