Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.

Jo you must have been trying to solve CSI cases in your sleep it's tired you out :smile:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I went out for a ride and i got very wet :evil: not amused that Autumn has arrived. It's cold outside too so had to put my long sleeved jersey on for the first time in months.

@phil_hg_uk not quite vest time yet.

What is a long sleeved jersey .............. do they not have arm warmers where you are ............


Puzzle game procrastinator!
It is definitely true - I try to do crossword puzzles before I go to sleep, but often get stuck less than halfway through. Many times, I have woken up and quickly completed the puzzle in the morning. I'm sure that I must have been running through the puzzle in my mind while I was asleep.
It just happened again - 5 or 6 clues which had me stumped last night, seemed easy this morning!
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