Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
Currently catching up on the mundane thread ... from the beginning :ohmy:
Some further reading suggestions, 2 Oct 2012.
See how far you get. Its shorter than this one, don't worry.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Liquid Crystal to Light Emitting Diode, sounds like you are having fun this afternoon, so much so that Friday must be wizzing by and you will miss the weekend.

Is it not just undoing some screws, removing old screen, and then screwing a new screen in place :whistle: :giggle:

Nope because an LCD screen uses and inverter to run the backlight and an LED screen does not so I had to fit a conversion kit which meant finding somewhere to hide it all in a lid that is only just thick enough to get the screen in :cursing:


Über Member
New Forest

Linking two threads together that's chuffing Mike Batt of Wombles fame conducting the orchestra.
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