Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
I think it's because I'm sooooo good looking :giggle:




Legendary Member
:rain: here but I don't care because we are going for a long weekend in Bologna, where Mrs R is speaking at a conference :thumbsup:

You've picked a good weekend for going with the weather being a bit cooler and wet here, enjoy :thumbsup:

In other news. Continuing on from a post a couple of days ago about our off spring traveling all over the world, Miss GM flew out of Heathrow to Tanzania last night for her trek to Kilimanjaro. While
MasterGM has been to a college all week down jo's neck of the woods in Somerset for part of an interview for a 2 year internship in America. I miss them already :cry:


Back from work :wahhey:

:sun::sun:and:sweat: here.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
:sun: here now too. Pineapple Upside Down Cake all ready for after dinner (Lemony Prawn & Pea Risotto) ginger slab cake all wrapped up and hidden from prying mouths for a few days to mature for lunch boxes next week, Chelsea Buns almost ready to come out of the oven to be eaten with a nice cup of :cuppa:

Bikey Fixey man has been fixed, adjusted and primped Big Bertha ^_^

Squidge has now asked can he have an "MOT" and bike fixing maintenance lesson from the bikey fixey man as his birthday present (Result :thumbsup:) all in all quite a good day so far
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