Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
TVC has lots and lots and lots of chocolate.

He said so on Mundane.

Form an orderly queue :hyper::hyper::hyper: after me :ninja:


I know where my towel is
Just finished converting a laptop from an LCD to and LED Screen, a perfectly straight forward job ......... pffft ........ and if you believe that you will believe anything :cursing:

Liquid Crystal to Light Emitting Diode, sounds like you are having fun this afternoon, so much so that Friday must be wizzing by and you will miss the weekend.

Is it not just undoing some screws, removing old screen, and then screwing a new screen in place :whistle: :giggle:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Has anyone seen my motivation? :unsure:
It's probably hiding with mine in a dark corner, along with my anti-brain-fog protection, and my good pair of legs that somebody sneaked in and replaced one night with 'orrible lumpy ones! :whistle:

(I've still got a fair amount of fat on my legs, but the more weight I lose, the more lumpy veins are starting to appear. Great - now I have to choose between an ugly fat belly, or ugly slim legs! :laugh:)

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Yes, what is "If" chocolate, not heard of that brand before :hungry: :giggle:
Seems popular

Silly friday here, 15mins to clock off :dance:

Sorry blame my iPhone and I haven't got my glasses on but I can smell the chocolate :hungry:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Is it not just undoing some screws, removing old screen, and then screwing a new screen in place :whistle: :giggle:

The power connector on my sister's laptop became very intermittent. I told her not to worry - it was almost certainly a cracked PCB track or a dry joint, either of which would be a simple 5 minute fix. After spending an hour trying to work out how to open the laptop case without breaking anything, I gave up! :blush:
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