Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Morning all, typical here, day 2 of back to school and all the small people sleep in, 6 weeks summer holiday and they are up by 7am at the very latest everyday, school day #2 and they don't wake until 8!

It is :rain: here too


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Well that all sounds stressful......I'm back from my 2000m swim. Just having marmalade and toast and :cuppa: - a second breakfast :thumbsup:

The Wiggo diet seems to be failing. I've lost 2 lbs since I started it :ninja: (I think they should remove his knighthood and TdF title)

I understand sir wiggo of wiggington is doing a tour of the country soon maybe you could take it up with him on his way past, presumably he will be waving to his subjects from horse back :unsure:


Legendary Member

:rain: here overnight but :sun: most of the morning thus far. :becool:


Yes please..pass that towel will you ?
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