Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
I have accepted @Rockymountain terms. Im a southern jessie, i don't do cold.

Where are you getting your predictions from ?
Friday at 15:03


Legendary Member
I've dropped the boy at his new flat. I'm now back home. Just as I got through the door he texted me to say that he's got no pillows or duvet. There are numerous other things he's forgotten as well :wacko:

I guess I'll be seeing him sooner than I though :laugh:

Just tell him there's an Asda in East Ferry Road that's open 24 hours.:smile:

I used to go to school in Limehouse, and my first job was on the Isle of Dogs. I liked it a lot then, I expect it changed quite a bit since then.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.


Legendary Member
Thanks....I'll tell him.

I know the area quite well - I worked in Old Ford Road for 11 years until 1989. Today, driving down the Roman Road and Grove Road was like a trip down memory lane. Although it has changed hugely in the last 24 years (as have I)

I lived in Poplar until I was 22, saw the light and moved north. My old Mum used to live in Usher Road off Roman Road. Some of those houses that border the park are now worth a small fortune, affordable years ago, but you'd need a lottery win today.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Morning all :hello:

It seems a bit odd that Hills and TVC and Lu aren't up


I am up.

It's the excitement of going back to work knowing that I will not be enslaved by the documentation that accompanies the job of teaching managing GCSE grade delivery units.:hyper:
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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Morning :hello:

Only 48 hours till the bikey fixey man is here now :wahhey:

Small people want to go crabbing today but I am not awake enough to investigate the intricate nature of such a task and announce if it it possible yet, especially as quiche needs to be made for boat picnics tomorow.

School is not back in session until Thursday due to the eleventy million inset days they have stuck on the start of term
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