Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Dog & children exercised, Summer Scavenger Hunt completed, Summer Journal written for today with the usual tantrums & tears, everything washed ironed & put away including all the beds changed, spurious holiday stuffs put away, apple cakes in the oven, bath run, jarmies laid out, 2 small children currently stuffing themselves with spag bol. all on track but I need tea while they are quiet!


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Dog & children exercised, Summer Scavenger Hunt completed, Summer Journal written for today with the usual tantrums & tears, everything washed ironed & put away including all the beds changed, spurious holiday stuffs put away, apple cakes in the oven, bath run, jarmies laid out, 2 small children currently stuffing themselves with spag bol. all on track but I need tea while they are quiet!

Thank you for reminding me why I love my single life, I feel knackered just reading that lot :tired:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Yeah, after three days at my sister's - lovely days, mind - NT and I really enjoyed just sitting yesterday evening, and doing nothing!


Dog & children exercised, Summer Scavenger Hunt completed, Summer Journal written for today with the usual tantrums & tears, everything washed ironed & put away including all the beds changed, spurious holiday stuffs put away, apple cakes in the oven, bath run, jarmies laid out, 2 small children currently stuffing themselves with spag bol. all on track but I need tea while they are quiet!
Apple cake. Mmmmm. Recipe?

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
:hello: I am back, 93 miles in 6 hours and 1 min (moving time) into a howling wind of between 15 and 25 mph.

I arrived a bit late so I had to press on and I managed to catch up the back of the pack just before Tadcaster and by then I was knackered, so I teamed up with a french bloke and we rode the rest of the ride pacing each other which made the ride a lot easier.

At one point I turned off to stop and have a drink and ended up sliding down the road on my arm/leg so I have a bashed up Left Arm and Leg, funny it was in the middle of no where yet there was about 14 people and cars just there to watch :rolleyes: funny how that happens.

It was very well organised you got a timing chip for the bike there was loads of food / toilet stops, I have never seen so much food on a sportive, and when we go back we got free Burger & Chips and a Tee Shirt and a Pen and a Notepad.

I am now going to have a bath & inspect the damage to me.

Well done Phil, sorry to hear about the damage. Whens the next one ?

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
@coffeejo - Now this is what you call cake


The Strawberries are real size.

(Yes M.I.L had a slice and is now feeling ill
. We did say it was going to be too much, but who didnt listen..........)

That is just sheer piggery.

Where was it again ?:whistle:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
The Otley Sportive is on 14th of this month.

How many have you signed up to? Shouldn't you do one a month say ?

@Saluki , her hubby and i are doing one next month in the New Forest. Not sure i will be able to manage the no chocolate in training rule you impose though.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
How many have you signed up to? Shouldn't you do one a month say ?

@Saluki , her hubby and i are doing one next month in the New Forest. Not sure i will be able to manage the no chocolate in training rule you impose though.

I have only signed up for that one but I will probably so the Seasons of Mists as featured here -> http://www.cyclechat.net/threads/seasons-of-mists.137829/ on the 6th October subject to the weather.

I would be doing the mileage anyway and this was makes it more interesting.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I have only signed up for that one but I will probably so the Seasons of Mists as featured here -> http://www.cyclechat.net/threads/seasons-of-mists.137829/ on the 6th October subject to the weather.

I would be doing the mileage anyway and this was makes it more interesting.

I need to see what's planned for next year in the sportive calendar and pick the flattish one although i had a good day on some hills today but only a third of what you did.
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