Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I am at my local station which has a ticket office and a ticket machine. The train company employee has just shut the door and locked up on 4 customers waiting to get a ticket or advice etc. He has done this saying he is going home for his lunch and will be back in 2 hours.

Firstly I think I have just found the last dinasour and secondly who has a 2 hour lunch break? Has he never heard of sitting at your desk and having your lunch ?


Leg End Member
:hello::cuppa: :thumbsup:

It's :sun:out. What's it like for everyone else?
@Hill Wimp, Saturday at 15:26


Rescue Diver is a good one :thumbsup:
I will be doing rescue diver, but I want to start collecting specialties (already got dry suit) towards my Master badge.
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