Tea? (Part 2)

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South Somerset
Just back from Sidmouth doing the whole tourist thing as we have the mother in law for the weekend / early part of week. she has come over from Holland
so we have to do what she says as she is on holiday.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Its September 1st ??????????????:eek:

You're allowed to think about it once there's a 'ber' in the month...

We left my sister on Saturday with "See you at Christmas!"... Seems like a long way away.

Part of the reason I want to make so many jams and jellies this year, is to give presents.

Talking of which, I just bought a chilli plant reduced in Sainsburys - from £3.50 down to 89p. It had 6 ripe red chillis on it, and there are lots of green ones to come on, if I can keep it alive. I know supermarket plants like that aren't often strong, but if I can just keep it long enough to ripen them... I think I've had my moneysworth already with the ripe ones.

I've found out I can freeze them as they ripen, so I'll do that, and then make chilli jam or oils or suchlike. My B-i-L is a chilli fiend, so maybe a jar of chilli jam for him....


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I've dropped the boy at his new flat. I'm now back home. Just as I got through the door he texted me to say that he's got no pillows or duvet. There are numerous other things he's forgotten as well :wacko:

I guess I'll be seeing him sooner than I though :laugh:


One of the many many many things I love about NT is that he doesn't do 'boy stuff' like that. He's far more reliable when it comes to making sure we have everything we need for any given task or trip.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
:hello: I am back, 93 miles in 6 hours and 1 min (moving time) into a howling wind of between 15 and 25 mph.

I arrived a bit late so I had to press on and I managed to catch up the back of the pack just before Tadcaster and by then I was knackered, so I teamed up with a french bloke and we rode the rest of the ride pacing each other which made the ride a lot easier.

At one point I turned off to stop and have a drink and ended up sliding down the road on my arm/leg so I have a bashed up Left Arm and Leg, funny it was in the middle of no where yet there was about 14 people and cars just there to watch :rolleyes: funny how that happens.

It was very well organised you got a timing chip for the bike there was loads of food / toilet stops, I have never seen so much food on a sportive, and when we go back we got free Burger & Chips and a Tee Shirt and a Pen and a Notepad.

I am now going to have a bath & inspect the damage to me.


West Somerset
:hello: I am back, 93 miles in 6 hours and 1 min (moving time) into a howling wind of between 15 and 25 mph.

I arrived a bit late so I had to press on and I managed to catch up the back of the pack just before Tadcaster and by then I was knackered, so I teamed up with a french bloke and we rode the rest of the ride pacing each other which made the ride a lot easier.

At one point I turned off to stop and have a drink and ended up sliding down the road on my arm/leg so I have a bashed up Left Arm and Leg, funny it was in the middle of no where yet there was about 14 people and cars just there to watch :rolleyes: funny how that happens.

It was very well organised you got a timing chip for the bike there was loads of food / toilet stops, I have never seen so much food on a sportive, and when we go back we got free Burger & Chips and a Tee Shirt and a Pen and a Notepad.

I am now going to have a bath & inspect the damage to me.
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