Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK
The best cup of tea is the one someone makes for you without having to ask.

Is that a hint :unsure:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
A little ray of sunshine. ^_^


Found on cuteoverload.com by accident.

So cute, found my new avatar on there


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Return with chocolate ..... it's Friday :biggrin:

I am not allowed chocolate for the next month I am in training to get round these sportives I have gone and signed myself up for


@Arch and Night Train will be back from their holidays, and they will not know where to find us!

Should we leave some clues?
It's best if they don't, last time Shaun put on a new coat of paint Arch spent a week reorganising the furniture, plumping cushions and trying different nets. Given the work they need to do at home, it's best if Arch doesn't get involved in soft furnishings here as well.
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