Tea? (Part 2)

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I know where my towel is
xx( Sorry but that's Knats pea teas and i know i risk the wrath of many Yorkshire men on this site . This is lurvley :biggrin:

Originally from Suffolk (Adnams Brewery in Southwold was close by), moved to South Yorkshire (Sheffield) for Uni and work, now living in London (for work, but not a big fan, convenient yes, but too many people and too hectic).

I do like a cup of Yorkshire tea.

Yorkshire was quite amusing, it was the first time another bloke had called me Duck or Love (not just said to me) when I was being served in a well known bakery store (it was a Greggs, I had never been in one before going "Up North"), I liked the friendly informal nature of it, although a surprise at first, it made a refreshing change to the crappy indifference I see here in London alot of the time.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Originally from Suffolk (Adnams Brewery in Southwold was close by), moved to South Yorkshire (Sheffield) for Uni and work, now living in London (for work, but not a big fan, convenient yes, but too many people and too hectic).

I do like a cup of Yorkshire tea.

Yorkshire was quite amusing, it was the first time another bloke had called me Duck or Love (not just said to me) when I was being served in a well known bakery store (it was a Greggs, I had never been in one before going "Up North"), I liked the friendly informal nature of it, although a surprise at first, it made a refreshing change to the crappy indifference I see here in London alot of the time.

Each to their own Duck:thumbsup:


Midlands UK
I am no feminist head banger but in some jobs women still do get marginalised, thankfully i have never suffered too badly but it is women who behave like that who give hard working women a bad name in the workplace and the annoying thing is that most of them would be more than capable of doing the job without using their manipulative behaviour if they just got on and worked hard like everyone else. Sorry but i have seen it "performed" so many times.

Rant over ^_^

We have recently taken on a temp, she started on Thursday at 8am, I was asked to teach her the winding job, I left her to it by 8.30 as she had picked the job up so quickly, never done any winding before but she was used to working, I knew she had used machines before because she knew how to use her fingers, she was quick and precise. Others can be on there a day and still not get it and it isn't a hard job. She has her hair scrapped back, no make-up, eyebrow pierced, baggy top and shorts, safety shoes. A straight up lass. She is fast and we could do with keeping her permanently, unfortunately when we go quiet she will be the 1 to go, whereas Miss Lazy boots will stay, real shame. This is neither sexist or racist but quite frankly it makes a change to find a British girl who will graft, we mostly rely on Poles and Latvian guys as British boys don't want to know.


Midlands UK
Next Saturday my parents are having a party to celebrate 50 years of marriage, then on Sunday they are going on holiday. As they have been together for so long and they live in a 1 bedroom flat we have decided not to buy them a gift as they probably have everything they want anyway so we are giving them some Euros so if they see anything they like/want they can get it from us.


Midlands UK
xx( Sorry but that's Knats pea teas and i know i risk the wrath of many Yorkshire men on this site . This is lurvley :biggrin:

View attachment 28540

:eek: :stop: There is only 1 tea and that is Yorkshire


Vice Admiral
A little ray of sunshine. ^_^


Found on cuteoverload.com by accident.
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