Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Can Dave bring his ball into the pub? For savouries, can we have some hot nuts?

Why of course and i'm sure there would be someone there to throw it for him.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
When I used to take Dave in the pub he would tour the regulars with the ball looking for the next interested party. Hours of fun. If ever I passed someone in the village they would say, oh look there's Dave and er... er...Daves owner. Never remember my name. :rolleyes:

:laugh: i so know what you mean there. My sadly departed Cairn Max was definitely well known on his walks and i was just Max's mum. Not once did anyone ask my name but to be fair all the regular owners knew the names of every single dog. I was just the appendage walker.


West Somerset
Same here. I'm often met with the remark "oh, you're the one with the dog!", meaning the one who rides her bike with the dog. I'd be invisible without her. :rolleyes: And yes, all us local dog walkers know the dogs' names and their likes/dislikes, habits etc but nothing about the owners...


Vice Admiral
@Hill Wimp

Will you be serving nuts at the pub, as well as crisps and other savoury snacks?

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