Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member
I think you might be right...

In other news, I have a new mug:
View attachment 28230

I picked it up in Wilkinsons this morning. It's just the right size, and the handle is just the right size and shape. And it's got bicycles!

We're having a little break, having done a lot of clearing and tidying upstairs to get ready for plastering. Need to do a tip run soon.

I want one of those... Wilkinsons.....don't know if we have them out here? Are they national....* off to google *

My sister brought round half a dozen eggs from her chickens today. They've just started to lay, one was a double yoker. So given the :rain: myself and the little biscuits have spent the afternoon making pasta. Fettuccine to be more precise, and it was fabulous. :thanks:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
No :rain: but no :sun:

Can't be you are in Yorkshire aren't you :-)


Legendary Member
Err Suffolk. Probably £3.50 ? * Googling other bicycling related mugs for tea *


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Maybe you should treat yourself to a day trip to Loughborough. Or make a weekend of it. It's a dazzling tourist destination, Loughborough...

<may contain traces of sarcasm>

Although they do have the Great Central Railway, at which NT and I had a super day out with TVC and Lu.
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