Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

I think the above quote from Winnie is relevant to your thunking about the church bells. ^_^

I think you might be right...

In other news, I have a new mug:

I picked it up in Wilkinsons this morning. It's just the right size, and the handle is just the right size and shape. And it's got bicycles!

We're having a little break, having done a lot of clearing and tidying upstairs to get ready for plastering. Need to do a tip run soon.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We've been to the tip with the rubble.

We've pretty much achieved what we thought it would take the whole weekend to do, so we're relaxing a bit now. NT is very relaxed. In fact, I'd say he was asleep....



We've been to the tip with the rubble.

We've pretty much achieved what we thought it would take the whole weekend to do, so we're relaxing a bit now. NT is very relaxed. In fact, I'd say he was asleep....


Quick, draw 'surprised' eyebrows on him with an indelible marker.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
A pub down the road from my work has just had a refit, and now has "Come and try our range of Ales and Pies" signwritten on the side. I wonder if they are actually good pies.

(From work, we frequent the pub next door, where we know the burgers are brilliant).

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Blimey, HW working on a bank holiday weekend. I hope you've got a minion to bring you all day :cuppa:s

Working all the way through until Thursday and I am the minion :-)
:hello: Having my second breakfast of the day, I woke up at 5am and found HW wandering around so I had my first breakfast then before falling asleep again :mrpig:

And good job I was too someone left a window open and the teapot out. Could have been stolen !

My breakfast was some chocolate about 2 hours ago.
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