Tea? (Part 2)

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I had an engineer from General Motors Detroit come over to do acceptance trials on a measurement system I had designed. Half way through his stay he turned up in the morning proper grumpy because the previous evening, a Wednesday in November, he had driven from Leicester to Bakewell to purchase a genuine Bakewell Tart, just to find all the shops shut when he arrived at 9pm.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I had an engineer from General Motors Detroit come over to do acceptance trials on a measurement system I had designed. Half way through his stay he turned up in the morning proper grumpy because the previous evening, a Wednesday in November, he had driven from Leicester to Bakewell to purchase a genuine Bakewell Tart, just to find all the shops shut when he arrived at 9pm.

Presumably he looked at the distance on a map and thought it was 'just down the road'. That's the problem coming from such a big place!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
They could make the bells at Loughborough. There, that's another cool thing about Loughborough, the bell foundry.

That, and the total inability of Americans to say the name.
Somebody I know was asked by two Australians if he knew how to get to Loo-ber-ooo. It took 3 attempts at it before he realised that they meant Loughborough! :laugh:


Legendary Member
Looks like we could be having some :sun: later. The kids want to go out on their bikes today. Looks like I get somethings right then. :thumbsup:.


Sounds like most cycling clubs then Rocky :rolleyes:. I will most likely join the Stoney club, they want to make sure people get in the water, that's how they make money.
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