Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset
Hmmm, must be a northern thing.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I have not opened my tablet as I don't yet have one, I can however swim like a fish (one of those dead ones that float up to the top of the water) :thumbsup:

Had to force myself out of bed at 9am, cat wailing for food now :rolleyes:

Blimey you cat must be hungry how will he/she eat a whole whale all by himself/herself .............. on second thoughts it is potsy's cat ........... :mrpig:


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
I'm not a good swimmer and hated every single moment of school bus trips to Normanton Baths [the worst Victorian swimming hell-hall you can imagine.... I hold my breath a lot and swallow loads of water which isn't good, and I have to keep moving to stay on the surface as I don't float...] so, apart from feeling sick after every swim, it's great!


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Odd, as there is usually plenty of water in Harrogate.

I was taught to swim by my auntie (the one who was 90 yesterday)...she also taught me to ride a bike and drive a car. Not all at the same time but all before the age of 10 :laugh:
She must have been very young when she did those things....
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