Tea? (Part 2)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Ok for the clueless among us what is SOM?
Oh, sorry, we have sprawled across from this thread dedicated to the event!


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I did a 35 km ride yesterday with about 500 m of moderate climbing. I was okay when keeping my effort level down, but as soon as I tried a bit harder, my lungs felt like somebody had sandpapered their linings. I immediately backed off! :thumbsup:

I'll keep plugging away, but there's an awful long way to go to get back to 100 km with 2,500 m of steep hills!

Colin no offence but I don't think you should even be considering this kind of ride yet, you should take it easy until your body is ready.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Good I don't want to have to send you to the naughty step :ninja:
I would like to point out though, that ...
  • I won't know how ready my body is unless I ask it the question!
  • The doctors want me to get plenty of exercise, subject to listening to my body when it shouts Nooooooooooooooooooo!
I have decided that I am not a great fan of blacking out at the side of the road, with the sky apparently spinning round above me. I am also not a fan of tasting blood coming from my lungs. I have therefore decided ... to be sensible!

(It isn't likely, and I am not going to bust a gut trying to make it happen, but if my body does tell me that it is ready for this year's SoM, then I would have a go, but even in that situation, I would be prepared to get down off the hills and come back on the easy valley roads if necessary.)


Legendary Member

Just gearing up to test my constitution with yesterday's defrosted chicken. Already walked the dog, just in case. :unsure:

We've been talking about the nutritional benefits of Swiss Chard this week at work. So much so, that someone bought some in from their allotment. I spent about an hour doing fabulous things in the kitchen with it last night. Today..actually just now, was taste time for the four of us.
Challenge was to use the leaves as these contain the most good stuff in. Unanimous decision was....


Back to the drawing board. :thumbsup:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I would like to point out though, that ...
  • I won't know how ready my body is unless I ask it the question!
  • The doctors want me to get plenty of exercise, subject to listening to my body when it shouts Nooooooooooooooooooo!
I have decided that I am not a great fan of blacking out at the side of the road, with the sky apparently spinning round above me. I am also not a fan of tasting blood coming from my lungs. I have therefore decided ... to be sensible!

(It isn't likely, and I am not going to bust a gut trying to make it happen, but if my body does tell me that it is ready for this year's SoM, then I would have a go, but even in that situation, I would be prepared to get down off the hills and come back on the easy valley roads if necessary.)

Fair enough.

I just don't want to see you trying to do to much for no reason, but I take your point that you need to find you limits just do it carefully :thumbsup:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Jo I just did a job for a customer and look what he gave me as payment


Still has the plastic on the screen.
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