Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
I need te...... gin it's not been a good commute.


Quote="Speicher, post: 2609796, member: 567"]I need a strong :cuppa: and a sit down. "Why?" I can hear you asking.

:secret: I have just seen Wocky's knees. :eek:[/quote]
He's not started handing out private viewings again has he, he was warned last time


West Somerset
I haven't heard the phrase Jammy Git, since I was at school. Neat !! :thumbsup:. Make him an offer for the tablet Jo. :addict:


That really *is* turning back the clock :tongue:

Feeling a bit xx( this evening. Maybe the chicken wasn't such a good idea after all... :surrender:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'm just having my tea, having taken over an hour to walk the mile home. Well, I was picking blackberries all the way.

Got loads now. I'll take them over to NT's at the weekend to freeze, and maybe use a few in some cakes.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Today at lunch time we discovered that we had a tin of pineapple chunks, and a bit block of cheese in the fridge. Only one thing to do!



And then later on, we were at the recycling site, and heard an engine, and it turned out to be the chap cutting the verges. With a tractor!:hyper:


It was very noisy. If only we had an electric tractor....


West Somerset
Yes I did that on purpose like... :whistle: . So I am genuinely interested, the tablet you bought... better than a superpad? What did you get in the end?

I got the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 - still not taken it out of its box though. :shy: Gonna have a long soak in the bath in a bit and then curl up in bed and decide between new toy or watching a DVD. Somehow lost track of the afternoon - it was 6 before I knew it (thought it was about 4) and now I see it's gone 7 ... no wonder the dog's asking for her food. :blush:
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