Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset
And the journalists at the local rag got overexcited because "a small fire broke out" in the Moss Bros store in town today. :banghead:

Moss Bros.jpg


West Somerset
Question for foodie-types:

I got some chicken out of the freezer this morning, intending to have it this evening in a stir fry. It's now nearly tomorrow and I'm still not hungry so have put it in the fridge, over 12 hours after it came out of the freezer. If I cook it up and eat it tomorrow, will I be spending the rest of the day pondering the décor in the bathroom?


Legendary Member
Yeah, ok, so nothing really happens round here. :laugh:


Legendary Member
Question for foodie-types:

I got some chicken out of the freezer this morning, intending to have it this evening in a stir fry. It's now nearly tomorrow and I'm still not hungry so have put it in the fridge, over 12 hours after it came out of the freezer. If I cook it up and eat it tomorrow, will I be spending the rest of the day pondering the décor in the bathroom?

Heat it through thoroughly, might be a bit tough, but least you won't have to set up the laptop in the lavvy. :thumbsup:
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