Tea? (Part 2)

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Still trying to look cool and not the fool HA
N Devon
I've got jelly babies and I'm not sharing :-)

Couldn't eat a whole baby before 10 am, so your safe from me ......................at this moment in time anyway :smile:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I went out for a ride last night and my legs were not playing had the slowest ride for months and I couldn't figure it out, I woke up this morning and I can hardly walk.

Yesterday I decided to learn how to use a skipping rope as part of my keep fit routine, took me the entire day but I mastered it. That is what has caused the pain, and I suspect the reluctance in my legs to turn the pedals, must have exercised my hamstrings a bit too much :rolleyes: couldn't figure it out last night as they didn't hurt but I certainly noticed this morning.

Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch
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