Tea? (Part 2)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I nearly ended up needing medical treatment again this afternoon!

My tiled kitchen floor was a bit grubby so I decided to scrub it then mop up, before my guests arrive.

I was trying to squeeze the last drops of water from the mop so I could get the floor really dry, so I was pushing down on the mop handle with the mop head forced into, er, one of those perforated cone-shaped things on the top of mop buckets that you force mop heads into to dry them!

Suddenly the top of the mop bucket snapped under the strain and I slipped down onto the end of the mop handle. It struck my windpipe a glancing blow, then deflected off to the side. It could just as easily have been forced through the windpipe, or up through my lower jaw. A narrow escape which quite shook me!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Because Arch and I were out playing 'trains' yesterday we missed seeing this:

Jump to 2 minutes to avoid all the screechy local trains.

Coo! A double header!

We did a double header with Utrillas yesterday. In fact, on the way back down (last passenger run of the day), it turned into a triple header (or bottomer) with Joffre up front.

We 'may' have been applying the brakes on the rear locos to make Joffre grind to a halt.... :whistle: Well, not me, the two drivers, I just hung on and enjoyed the cameraderie and operated the draincocks when requested... As far as I can tell, operating the draincocks does two things.

1. It drains any condensed water collected in the cyclinders while the loco stands idle in steam, which would be incompressible, and makes the loco work harder and potentially damages the cylinders.

2. It makes the loco look steamier for photographs!:thumbsup:

You know how sometimes you're really tired, and you think you'll just rest your eyes for a moment or two, and then half an hour later you wake up feeling really crap and groggy?


To revive myself, I went out for fresh air and groceries, and wandered round Sainsburys in a daze. Managed not to buy anything random though.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
OK, that's it. I'm off





Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Right. I'm going to make a large quantity of cheese sauce, empty some tins of stuff into it, and serve it on spaghetti.

While I'm away, you may guess the contents of the tins.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Stop you are making me hungry and I'm stuck on a train :-( and not a nice one either like Arch's.
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