Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Ooh! Click through this slideshow for a pic of Wol playing hide and seek....



I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
:sun: here at the moment but am I'm off out soon :bicycle: so anticipating lots of :rain:

It looks fine here nice and hot, enjoy your rain :whistle:


Morning :cuppa: Off to the farmers market to see my favourite son of the soil and buy bits of his cows. Going to get the bits for a proper fry up for tea as well... eggs laid this morning, local smoked bacon and the best black pud. Yum,


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Wave ...................... what wave :ohmy:


More pics here -> CLICK HERE bunch of nutters :eek:


Midlands UK
Last night we watched the programme by Alex Brooker regarding weight. Now, yes I will look at a ripped guy with abs and think phwoar.. but what puts me off is the fact that he spends a lot of time at the gym and salon and most likely sticks to a strict diet, boring. TBH I much prefer a guy who, shaves, showers, gets dressed and them down the pub for a beer and a laugh. Honestly a tummy is no big deal, unless you can't see your own feet.


Vice Admiral
Last night we watched the programme by Alex Brooker regarding weight. Now, yes I will look at a ripped guy with abs and think phwoar.. but what puts me off is the fact that he spends a lot of time at the gym and salon and most likely sticks to a strict diet, boring. TBH I much prefer a guy who, shaves, showers, gets dressed and them down the pub for a beer and a laugh. Honestly a tummy is no big deal, unless you can't see your own feet.

I agree Lullabelle. ^_^
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