Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
It's. Too. Hot!

I actually felt ill at lunchtime I was so miserably overheating.

Slightly better now I'm home and showered. We've bought sandwiches and salad for dinner, can't be bothered to cook....



Midlands UK
It's. Too. Hot!

I actually felt ill at lunchtime I was so miserably overheating.

Slightly better now I'm home and showered. We've bought sandwiches and salad for dinner, can't be bothered to cook....


:hugs: arch


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

Thank you!

It was a very bad day for the old git who lives round the corner from work to come in and start a rant about how the new proposed traffic restrictions on one of the river bridges will bar him from town on his mobility scooter. Honestly, where do stupid people get their ideas from? The plan is to bar all but buses and taxis and bikes from the bridge between 10 and 4. How the hell would that apply to mobility scooters?

Then he started a 'road tax' rant about cyclists. I had to walk out in the end, I was getting so cross with his rubbish.

The really annoying thing is, he's the old git I stopped to help some months back when he fell out of the bloody scooter when he tried to drive it up a dropped kerb at a silly angle. Wish I'd left him sitting in the gutter!


We've camped at a place called Schortens. We went swimming in a lake - and before anyone asks my shorts stayed on :giggle:

I've had pizza for tea and a whole big bottle of fizzy water. It's been :sun: :sun: :sun: and 34c. Too hot for cycling although we did manage 50 miles again today. :rain: is forecast tomorrow and I'm glad.

It's nice being on hols but I'm missing you all :hugs:
I don't suppose you're near Accum are you?


Midlands UK

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Looks pretty stormy to the south east of me. We had the sunset in the wrong place this evening and it looks pretty biblical now.

I took a picture earlier but it hasn't captured the dramatic look of the sky at all.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
A little bit of thunder here now, and some flashes in the sky as we just rode home from Bikepete and Gromit's, having met up with Fnaar.

It's a bit later than we intended!
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