Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair
Actually I have a serious phobia of spiders and that picture turned me icy cold :sad:

Horrible Jo :ninja:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I can stretch to a custard cream or a jaffa cake??

Now you are talking :hungry::mrpig:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
A friend came over with her dog 'Buster' yesterday and we went for a little walk over the local hills. We got caught in a heavy shower 'on the tops' but the weather got much nicer as we walked back down into town so we sat in the sunshine in front of a cafe in the pedestrianised area and enjoyed coffee and cake.

Buster was on the scrounge, but I denied him. I don't believe in feeding dogs scraps because they never stop pestering you for more. I haven't met a dog yet which ever seems to think "Okay, that's enough for me"! His mistress has other opinions though so he got about 1/4 of her cake ...

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"No means NO!" :stop:

What a cutie, i'd give him cake. :girl:
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