Tea? (Part 2)

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Merlot decided to get her own food today, which is why my first task when I got home from work was to Hoover up feathers.


West Somerset
Snipe doesn't beg. :angel: She does, however, make sure she sits where I can't forget about her if I'm eating anything that I *do* share with her - mainly snacks such as apples, bananas and carrots But I always make her wait til I'm done, and if she gives any hint of begging instead of sitting politely, she doesn't get anything.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
A friend came over with her dog 'Buster' yesterday and we went for a little walk over the local hills. We got caught in a heavy shower 'on the tops' but the weather got much nicer as we walked back down into town so we sat in the sunshine in front of a cafe in the pedestrianised area and enjoyed coffee and cake.

Buster was on the scrounge, but I denied him. I don't believe in feeding dogs scraps because they never stop pestering you for more. I haven't met a dog yet which ever seems to think "Okay, that's enough for me"! His mistress has other opinions though so he got about 1/4 of her cake ...

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"No means NO!" :stop:

One of our volunteers at work has a gorgeous little Mixter terrier called Millie. The way she looks at you when you're eating, you'd think she'd not been fed for days. Unfortunately for her, if there's one creature that likes its food more than a dog, it's a recycling officer!

She's a lovely little dog though.


Legendary Member
Evening All :hello: Just got in from my commute to find that the Water Board have turned the water off in our road. I was looking forward to a nice shower, but it looks like I'll have to sit around a bit smelly until it comes back on. Good thinking from MasterGM, he bought several big bottles of water so :cuppa: is still OK.

Just a quick heads up I don't know if this affect anyone here but just in case.

I was looking round the internet yesterday and I came across an article concerning a company called CPP who provide credit card and identity theft insurance, currently they are involved in giving people a refund who have been sold this insurance when they didn't really need it as most of the benefits are provided by your bank anyway and they also over stated the risks when it is sold.

After reading the article I realized that I had such a policy between 2007 and 2011 so I called them yesterday to see what I could do and they just call to say I will get a full refund of all my payments + 8% interest :thumbsup: so if anyone here has had such a policy call them.

Thanks for that Phil, I'm the same had policy about the same time as you. I'll call them in the morning, fingers crossed I might have a nice little couple of hundred quid to look forward to :thumbsup:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Thanks for that Phil, I'm the same had policy about the same time as you. I'll call them in the morning, fingers crossed I might have a nice little couple of hundred quid to look forward to :thumbsup:

Excellent, you shouldn't have any problems.

I was well surprised, they just rang me back and said fine you fall within the dates set by the OFT so we will send you a cheque I couldn't believe it should be nearly £400 :thumbsup:
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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Phil, is this your next delivery of haribo?


If so, it's just gone passed our campsite.

Nah, can't be.

Not enough!
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