Tea? (Part 2)

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Night Train

Maker of Things
Morning all :hello:

We stayed the night in a Pension on a farm near Meldorf. Very pretty. It :rain: and:rain: last night.

The owners had placed a bag of 'Bo on the turned down bed :smile: :smile:

I put my 'Bo on the bedside cabinet to save for this morning but was woken in the night to the sound of a small mouse gnawing into the packet and eating the contents :ninja:

Anyone want a half eaten packet of haribo?
Hold on!:stop:

We've all worried about the 'Bo and forgotten the bigger picture!

Rocky should have put in a complaint to the owners about the mouse and the half eaten 'Bo.
He would then have got a replacement bag of 'Bo, a Champagne dinner for two, and the bill for his stay cancelled, with just the hint of mentioning 'pest control' and 'Environmental Health'.

He could then have put his pet mouse back in its travel cage and moved on quietly....:whistle:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Is peering with interest at carrying type things on the bike (I initially thought the back blue one looked like a gallon container :eek:)

I need tea after our 3rd visit to the Doctor Surgery this week, apparently it is forbidden to see the doctor and have them do all the stuff they insist you need doing, AND if you see the Nurse what is the special person for things who the receptionist insists you HAVE to see they then send you to the Doctor as they are not qualified to say stuff.

So tomorrows ride will mostly be the Doctors again mind you we have a change on Friday as it is the Dentist instead, then next week back to the Doctors...


Puzzle game procrastinator!
A friend came over with her dog 'Buster' yesterday and we went for a little walk over the local hills. We got caught in a heavy shower 'on the tops' but the weather got much nicer as we walked back down into town so we sat in the sunshine in front of a cafe in the pedestrianised area and enjoyed coffee and cake.

Buster was on the scrounge, but I denied him. I don't believe in feeding dogs scraps because they never stop pestering you for more. I haven't met a dog yet which ever seems to think "Okay, that's enough for me"! His mistress has other opinions though so he got about 1/4 of her cake ...

Buster - English Cake Hound.jpg

"No means NO!" :stop:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Just a quick heads up I don't know if this affect anyone here but just in case.

I was looking round the internet yesterday and I came across an article concerning a company called CPP who provide credit card and identity theft insurance, currently they are involved in giving people a refund who have been sold this insurance when they didn't really need it as most of the benefits are provided by your bank anyway and they also over stated the risks when it is sold.

After reading the article I realized that I had such a policy between 2007 and 2011 so I called them yesterday to see what I could do and they just call to say I will get a full refund of all my payments + 8% interest :thumbsup: so if anyone here has had such a policy call them.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
He's gorgeous :wub:
He is, and very good-natured and placid.

Despite (or maybe because of!) his cake-scrounging habit, he is a very fit dog! We took him with us when we went to Scotland for my mum's memorial service a couple of years ago. Apart from the one day when I scattered my mum's ashes in the sea (*gulp*), the rest of the time was a walking and mountain biking holiday. Buster used to run along with us and we worked out that he ran & walked at least 150 miles in 5 days, including over several small mountains!

Night Train

Maker of Things
I never feed 'my' food to a begging dog. The begging and sad eyes don't work with me, even with my own dogs when I had them. If I was unable to finish leaving some of my food then I would put it to one side to add to the dog's food at feeding time if it was suitable. My dogs learnt never to beg at my feet, but they still tried it on with everyone else though.:giggle:
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